Re: suits Oh those are a piece of cake too, but I usually save my 'really good' suit for Saturday. It seems that is always the craziest day by the sexy pool. :headbanger: :headbanger: :flash: :flash: :lotsofmichaelf:
Re: suits Shelia, now it may actually need to be a Friday suit!! or what the heck you could wear it both days!!
Sheila, truth be told, everyday at TTR seems like Saturday. :cooldevil: know what I mean? :headbanger: I'm packing extra glasses just incase this year. You know, someone lost a pair of prescription glasses in the water during the yacht swim compeTITion last year.. :roll:
Haha...yes it is Shiela. Too funny. I'm sure if I found one for Bob - he'd wear it! :shock: :shock: :shock: