i guess i better try all the tequilas, i hate hangovers, although something about vacation i don't get them as bad as i do at home. must be the sunshine and friends! Dena
I used to work in the restaurant and bar biz when I was younger... I tend to tip well too......... :daveandmo:
I usually go for a tequila bloody mary with my eggs. Tequila, bloody mary mix with a splash of OJ and sometimes a dash of hot sauce, garnished with pickle and celery. Puts you right back in that place.
I'm a big fan of the Irish cosmo: Jameson & Cranberry w/ a twist of lime. Good for breakfast, second breakfast, early lunch, lunchy, snack or dinner!
There are too many to name.I personally love mai tais, and shots.We consumed many rainbow,komocozy,blow job shots.