Miami vice, Mango colada, or mango daiquiri for pool time.. Wet pussy shots, scooby shots are horrible. At Night time I was all over caipirinha's and coconut rum w/ soda and a splash of pineapple.. Which needs a name.. Like "The BMel" or something.. lol Cuz saying "can I have a coconut rum with soda and a splash of pineapple" is a pain in the butt to yell at PatyO's at night.. I also feel bad when someone says "what cha drinkin'?" lol I am a huge rum fan...
I think they were called bob marely's. I don't know whats in them other than midori. They were yummy!!!!
oh yeah! forgot about those! THey were really good, but I could only drink 1-2 before they were too sweet for me.
One of the best drinks available at TTR occasionally is the Bodyshot Stacianesse. Problem is to do it right you need either Don Julio Silver or Corazon Silver tequila, but that's sort of a tequila snob's opinion (Stacia's the snob). Ingredients, Procedure & Protocol: 1. Obtain the services of the hottest woman in the area, for me this is Stacia, for you it might be as well, but if no Stacia is available, there are ALWAYS very acceptable substitutes (you just need to change the name to "Bodyshot Substitutenesse), and ask said hottie to hop up on bar and lay upon it lengthwise (if you can swing the quick bikini-bottom doff (meaning off and completely nude for proper enjoyment), that's extra word score for you!); 2. Get the shot glass with the tequila, a lime/lemon (preference or availability), and the salt dispenser/shaker; 3. Liberally salt a bared nipple (personally, I prefer to salt the one farthest from me, so I end up leaning over the nudish body farther) - an alternative is to salt both nipples, but that can cause high blood pressure (like the bodyshot won't, I know...); 4. Place the lime/lemon slice in Stacia's/Substitute's mouth for safekeeping while you finish preparations; 5. Pour the tequila from the shot glass into Stacia's/Substitute's belly button, admiring how some of it inevitably spills out to make a slight "mess," if that's even the right word; 6. Take at least 3 deep breaths and let the crowd's adulation grow; 7. In smooth, efficient yet unhurried movements, lick the nipple(s) clean of salt; 8. Dip to the belly button cavity and begin getting all of the tequila you can, a combination of techniques is useful here which are/can be used.... ahh.... other ways; 9. Tequila (and some sunscreen) imbibed, move face up to Stacia's/Substitute's mouth and claim your lime/lemon; and 10. Rest on the prone personage who just provided you with one HELL of a good time! For the worst drink sometimes available at Temptation, replace all instances of "Stacia" above with "John."
Glad you said that. Never had a margarita before TTR, and not since. Got to say I wasn't impressed, and wondered why on various trip sites everyone raves about getting margaritas in Mexico.
Hated all those flavoured drinks (purple shit, pink pussy, drunken monkeys, daiquiris)... they taste so artificial and like concentrate... yuck! Had to stick to the basics: rum & coke, gin & tonic, vodka and ginger ale. Only prepared drink we liked was the Frozen Margarita and just barely the Tequila Sunrise. The draft 2 Equis sucks ass as well! Makes you feel bloated really quickly. We had to pay a lot of tips to the maid to leave a 12 pack of canned 2-Equis every morning in our room so we could drink that at the pool... If you want better drinks get them at the quiet pool, they have better selection over there.