Here's a vid of the play: He got his suspension. Let him play. Seeing that pileup on top of Moore immediately after he was unconscious...can't help but think that contributed to the seriousness of the injury. If anything more than a suspension should be imposed, it should be about law enforcement getting involved (and then every goon action on the ice will be a felony, right?)
Guess it's time for an Avs fan to be heard... :wink: Let's see the B-boy punch and drive of the head into the ice was because Moore made a legal hit on his player in the game before. Sorry guys Bertuzzi made a deliberate vengeful hit and ended Moore’s playing days. You might say it was the dog pile afterwards or not, but without the sucker punch from behind the dog pile never would have happen. So his actions directly lead to the result. My view of this and other instances where one player puts another player out, the suspension should last as long as the other player is out. If you hurt someone and he's out for a month, you're out for a month. If you end his career, you find another line of work. Just my two cents..... Jamie
Jamie You put it maybe a little simpler than I did but we are on the same page they need to stop letting abusive, bullie, bad arses get away with this stuff! We have to be held accountable for our actions! Everyone always has an excuse these days for everything. ...... I beat my girlfriend cause I was abused as a child, I am a pervert because I was abused as a child, I am a satanic devil worshiper, cause I was abused as a child . . give me a break! Grow up get over yourself! I don't buy excuses! People act the way they want to because they are allowed to! When people have to be accountable for their actions they wont act the way they do! Now if they have a proven mental illness they have mental facilities to deal with that! Don't hand them a hockey puck or base ball or basketball or . . . Gawd get me off this soap box! hahahahahahaah sorry
Opie wrote, "I know I am alot older than some of you, but back in my day that kind of misbehavior would NEVER have been accepted by anyone. That is part of the problems with our world today. People go around hitting and punching other people and they get a little fine and back to business as usual. They don't want to send them to Jail it might hurt their psychi! Good Farkin Grief! " Hockey was alot rougher "back in the day". Jamie, Moore's hit on Naslund was not intended to be just another body check. He went at him with intent to injure but missed for the most part. He still injured Naslund. What would of happened years ago if someone tried that to Gretzky? All hell would of broke loose, maybe even a full out bench brall. Moore was challenged by Bertuzzi and Moore kept declining like the pussy he is. If he would of taken the challenge and fought then it would of been settled the right way. Bertuzzi screwed up by sucker punching him and paid more then the price for it. It was wrong what he did, but it is over now and hopefully hockey can get back to normal. ps Jamie.......The Avs are gonna suck this year :lol:
I hate to admit it....because the Avs come second only to my boys from Pittsburgh on my list.....but they wont have as good of a year
The good old days of hockey! When players were men, and played for more than just points and the big bucks. Today, it's about the multi-million dollar contracts. With that, comes the dirty players. If Moore tried the same thing 20 years ago, he most likely would of been in a lot worse condition. If a player didn't take his beating, the sticks came out. In today's age of the game, he was lucky it was just a glove. I'm not defending the sucker punch, it was wrong. Uncalled for, maybe not, but that doesn't make it right. There are rules of etiquette on the ice which every player is aware of. One rule, as the Gretzky example above, you don't go after the stars. The reason for enforcers and goons is to protect the stars. If you go after a star, be prepared for an ass kicking. A goon is paid to protect the stars, and they need to set examples. After Moore's hit, it was Bertuzzi's (or any other enforcer's) job to go after him. If Moore would of taken his beating like a man, it probably would of been settled much quicker and much safer. There's many head on fights in a season, how many end up on a stretcher? By skating away, he did nothing more than make whatever was coming to him worse. If he didn't want the beating, he should of thought of that before he ligned up his hit. It was Bertuzzi's job to go after him. I do not believe that is being questioned. If you are questioning it, just accept that it's part of the sport. What's being questioned is how it was handled. Moore was going to get it sooner or later. I can understand how some might say that what Bertuzzi did was the worse part. I think that Moore skating away was the worse part, which to me, shows he had no business being on the ice with hockey players. As I said, I hope he fully recovers, but he's proven that he should of never left the minors.
everything i've had to say about this topic has been said eh fletch ! haha we had a grand discussion one day not so long ago.
Hockey has always been a brutal sport but it was different that the way they do things now a days! You got it a poke a jab a smash and everyone saw it but it was not the same now they go after each other off the ice they go after the fans or people on the street and that is where I have a real problem. If your playing and accidently on purpose hurt someone it is different than being a big fat bully. Back in our day you never heard about boxers or fighters or sports people being involved in beating up fans or team mates etc etc They kept their noses clean. Not today! the players make so much meony for the sports organization that the management buys the players way out of all types of trouble! Cause they fear loosing a nickel. What they should do is not baby em and throw em in jail and then make the player pay back all money lost for the time he is incarcerated! That would make em straiten up and fly right! :wink: