Bad Boys will be organizing a benefit night this Saturday September 1st from 4 pm till 8 pm. There will be live music and the band is playing for free. Bad Boys is located on the beach between streets 4 and 6. On Friday September 6th Pinche Gringo is having a benefit night. Not sure when it will actually start but they will go on until midnight. Jimmy, the owner of the bar, said they'll charge local prices the whole night (15 pesos for a beer and 25 pesos for spirits). They have live music (again the band will not get paid for their performance) and probably a raffle (more about that later). Pinche Gringo is located on 1st avenue and 26th street. All the money that will be donated those nights will be used for the relief efforts of Mahahual.
Thanks for the update Laura. I only wish I was gonna be in PDC for the benefits. Hope lots of folks attend and help the cause.
Message posted by Tony & Cheri of their day in Majahual yesterday and updates It was another long day and 8 more hours in the van. Today we had Heather, Claudia, Richard (a friend of Claudia from the US), Ricardo, and a few other volunteers who we didn't know. We had 5 vehicles altogether. Just wanted to give everyone an update on the paypal account donations. So far we have collected just over $15,000.00 from the paypal account & two cash donations--in just 7 days!! Of that money, we have spent about $9,200.00, and the items have been delivered in caravans on four different days. We're very proud of the fact that our donations have reached the people in Mahahual immediately--while we are all still waiting for larger organizations to come in and start relief efforts. The money has been spent on food, water and items that are needed right now for the people who have lost everything. The most recent purchases were 216 hygiene kits (with TP, soap, toothpaste, razors, etc.); 150 building kits (shovel, machete, gloves, nails, etc.) and many first aid kits (we're still waiting for the official count). This is what we all hauled down today, along with other materials and 12,500 liters of water collected by La Tortuga. > > Please keep up the donations! The Mexican Army has now pulled out of the area, and there appears to be no official relief organization in place. This means that the only aid coming to this area is that coming from private donations and volunteers driving in with supplies. We're hoping this is a temporary situation, but until an organization is in place, we will continue to spend the donations as wisely as possible and continue getting aid to the people as quickly as we can. > > The good news about today is that Kevin Graham, our contact person in Mahahual, was there to greet the convoy today and directed us all to drop off the donations at a central location from which he will be handling distributions. This was GREAT news to all of us, as Kevin knows the people and the area much better than any of us, and he will make sure the items are distributed quickly and fairly. This left those of us in the Big Bastard with a fun task--to deliver little bags of candies to all of the kids we could find. Without exception we were greeted with huge grins and many thanks. > > Kevin will be contacting us tomorrow with another list of the most dire needs for the area. This list changes almost daily, as many groups are bringing in different types of supplies to the area. We are relying on Kevin for this information, so that we can do the most good with the funds that we have. Thanks again to everyone, and please keep up the good work. Here are some photos of some of the adorable kids who received a little goody bag today. Image: Image: Image: Image: Image: