I shall do my due diligence and report back on my entomological conclusion, sometime during my visit or sometime subsequent. Should I become distracted, did I tell you about the time my cell phone was stolen, or when my buddy lost his mug, sunglasses & flip flops, oh.....what was I saying?
They remind me of honey bees we have here, the sting while not pleasant wasn't at the wasp or yellow jacket level.
I'm glad we're conducting this scientific excursion... makes me feel safer when I'm getting crushed hammered at the Members Deck Bar! Smack! "Dumb bee..."
Bring back a hostage for inspection, or a smashed one for autopsy. The bug doctor was letting some crawl all over his hands and claimed they were not agressive unless threatened. I suppose this means swatted or squeezed on. Rayanne calls bullshit! And has the stings/bites to prove it
As a matter of practice always swat parallel to the skin. Yep, they feel threatened when you you don’t want them bugging you. I’ll examine the situation and propose remediation. Normally keep sweet waste covered and away from people.
I’ll call do everything in my power to assure your safety and enjoyment. We’re going to be there 14-20 October.
Indeed. I like to “flick” them with my middle finger off the skin to avoid sting. I also even fold my rubber straw into and close the flapper to my Bubba. Don’t need no stinking sting to the tongue!
Easy, well known bee fix ... ask or help the bartenders to make a couple of these DIY shelf-top traps from empty plastic water or soda bottles, pour some cola or grenadine in the bottom prior to assembly and most of the problem is solved ... they're magnetic for yellow jackets and the like. Always work effectively on our patio. Be careful not to get any sweet liquid on the outside of the 'trap', and dispose with care.