OK, This will be done during the afternoon (3-4PM). Not sure of the exact date.. but it has been confirmed. Admission, 3 hours open bar, and your spot on a team will cost 35$! This includes all you can drink.. and 3 separate events: Beer Pong Tournament Flip Cup Tournament Beer Chugging Contest Who's in? I need to get an official count going!
haha ya we tried! I think that Carlos and Charlies would be a good spot for everyone, in the back they have tables and such! And during the day it wont be too overly crowded. Best option in my opinion, they are laid back enough in there where they will let you play!
... Oh PLEASE!! I will obtain and maintain victory.. and as the winner.. I challenge ANYONE to a beer CHUGGING contest
Re: ... You're on. From my experience last year American's can't chug... you drop it all down your chin. With Beer Chugging, all beer must be consumed. Not a drop down your chin, not a bit left in your cup.
Re: ... from my experience last year, many many many people from the UK and australia only drank half their cup, the rest was down there chest...... but was the same with americans as well! People are too damn drunk and just spill half of it lol :lol: