Hello, We returned from Cancun Palace in March and the beach was completely washed away. We have been to this resort too many times to count as well as others in the HZ. I am wondering if the beach conditions have improved and/or if there is still lingering news of another beach restoration project again. Thanks!
I haven't been in the hotel zone in ages so can't tell you what's up this week (they come and go). The beach recovery plan will get underway after the hurricane season according to local newspapers.
I was there in march as well and the beaches have gone down a lot as well where we stayed. But, with another beach recovery project on the list, I hope things get better this time. Love cancun and the beaches there, doesn't get much better!
Mother Nature takes its course; no stopping it. However; I feel that some sort of curve in the hotel zone is happening over the past few years (even prior to Wilma). Thank you for the feedback. It is great for everyone to know before they go especially if they are beach goers. Many people are very content with the wonderful pools that every resort offers. There are some; like us that really do not care about the pool scene. Thanks again, any further information as time goes by is much appreciated.
I dont think that much has changed in the last 12 months, the beaches have been fairly sparse now for 2 years or so. But they do come and go, I've seen people post daily pics over a week where the beach grows every day and also similar pics where the beach has shrunk daily. Beaches are by their very nature dynamic and it's impossible to be up to date with every area of beach on a frequent basis. As far as "not wanting to pass along bad news about the beaches" that's not true. The main reason for lack of response to the initial post is: a) Most tourists dont visit often enough or wander far enough to be able to give you an accurate up to date of beach conditions in general. There are about 20 miles of beaches in Cancun. b) The locals are restricted from accessing most parts of the beach by the hotels, and those parts that are public are often crowded with people we'd rather not be around... (hope that doesnt sound too pompous). In addition, most local expats dont visit the beach that often and when we do we tend to go to places such as Isla Mujeres, Puerto Morelos or Isla Blanca.
I think Steve's reply about covers it. I can attest to the fact that the beach called Playa Ballenas, which fronts the Ritz, Meridien, and Palace is gone. The water breaks right on the wall of the pool areas and the stairs that used to lead down to the beach now lead down to the water. Looking at the water, the beach widens to the left (north) of the Ritz, but it is difficult to get to and once the construction of some mega-millionaire's home is finished, it will be closed off. Playa Marlin is half the width it was pre-Wilma, but still enjoyable and reasonably accessible to the public with on-street parking for maybe 50 cars. The beach in front of the Park Royal is good, but not for the public. In general the further north towards centro the wider the beaches with Casa Maya having a big, wide beach. You can get onto that beach using public transport. There's no parking to speak of except to the south of Casa Maya and the side street fills up fast. Playa Tortuga, with great free public parking is less than half the depth it used to be. High tide is a joke. Playa Delphines, the last and biggest of the public beaches is still impressive, if smaller. Enjoy it while you can, because private developers have stolen it from the people and construction should begin next year. Just north of the water park is a new beach with plenty of parking, no amenities at all, and clear but weed infested water, Last time I was there there was a big effort going on to clean up the water weeds, but I think it's the same as pushing a peanut to Cleveland with your nose. That's all the beaches I've been to in the past two months. YMMV.