what did u dislike about it? I think that trampoline,water and those chicks with sex botles giving body shots were pimp
I agree, I thought Basic was a cool bar. As long as you don't stand directly on top of the water shooting up between your legs you will be fine, otherwise you may hit the ground pretty quick as it happend to me.
never been, bought the ticket for it the last nite we were there but everyone was too tired, hungover and out of it to venture out, also didnt want to get soaking wet and ruin clothes
The club is around a fifth of the size of the city, yet tries to cram the same size crowd into it. It is impossible to even move without shoving people out of the way. Even the stairways were packed with people just looking for someplace to stand. Despite this, half of the club was roped off for "bottle service only" and nearly empty. I guess if you're on E and like other dudes sandwiched tight up against you it might be enjoyable. Or if you're a fan of history and want to experience the conditions on a slave ship... Not to mention the fact that there is only one tiny dance floor and it is an open bar in name only.
I have to admit I hate when clubs do that, I think it encourages fights between people because you just cant help shoving people when you want to get past, this happened twice to me in Fat Tuesdays.I like clubs to be busy but at times some clubs in Cancun are OTT Bye Adam
i wonna go basic! i do hate when clubs are so packed you cant move, like frogs opening night last year :evil: we had to stand in a corner all night and couldnt get a drink