Could care less what others do on vacation that doesn’t directly affect me. If it bothers you that much you probably need to find something better to do. But with that said on cruises and resorts I have shook my head a few times on people’s attire.
Unfortunately when on vacation we all become people watchers and certain things become annoying. As I tried to explain this dress code issue has been raised many times but still people try to abuse it . And as one reply states the staff are only trying to do their jobs and it’s probably fear of them upsetting people that stops them . It is down to us to follow the rules . We do have better things to do while here and will fully enjoy our vacation.
I am torn on any infringement on what one person wants to do on their vacation versus what that impact that choice may have on another persons vacation. I fully agree that, if there is a dress code it should be honored and, at no time, should anyone take it out on the employee trying to do their job. What I am not torn on is when people try to put "their" values and beliefs onto other people in any situation. Especially on VACATION. We all work too hard to let little shit bring us down! Why do some people feel the need to do this? It is no different that someone thinking they own the road because they are driving 10 over the speed limit but won't get out of the way for the guy going 15 over the limit. (George Carlin, idiot versus maniac). Maybe not the best example but everyone has different standards, incomes, values and comfort levels. Hats in a restaurant for me at dinner are a "no", but....if the restaurant allows them then go for it if that is what you are comfortable in, what your lady likes you in and/or it is what you earned your time off and should be happy. It is your vacation and their rules. If the rules change, be respectful and honor them. On the flip side, if I don't like the rules as they are then I have choices too.......the least of which to me would/should be to try to make someone else conform to my standard (if I actually had one on vacation). Sorry for the Friday rambling, long week at work. I will put my "Don't Tread on Me" flag away now and go back to thinking about our next trip in October!!
Philadelphia is not Jersey. And people from the Jersey Shore are not representative of Philadelphia or Italians.
There are areas of decorum, which may be the best word, that seem to have fallen out of favor. Where do you draw the line? Baseball caps in a nice restaurant are okay with some, but how about picking your nose at the dinner table? Passing gas in public, how about that one? Where do you draw the line? We all have standards that we try to follow. Some have standards that are not very high. Some have standards that are not achievable by many of us. But the standard of just trying to show some tiny bit of respect for your fellow diners shouldn't be too much to ask. That should be the main point. Showing some respect for others should be pretty important, but sadly it isn't so much anymore.