Marissa has an accent. I would bet a six-pack of Labatt Blue that Suzanne has a little bit 'o Newfie in her voice...
yes thats what i sound like :roll: and suzanne has the strongest newfie accent ive ever heard If I 'ad a face da likes o yers, me son, I'd walk back'rds
At least we don't have a drawwwl in our talking, Like ya'll come back ne' ya hear.. Ya'll got that thing they call the B--e---e--r Store over in Cana-da, and shesh gone don it' they only sell beer....Well I be' damnd
reminds me of those ''bad boys'' episodes..... crackhead sitting in the mud with no shirt on, no teeth, gun in pocket ''yo, mo fo, i ain't got not do wee dis shiit - i aiiint done not' mannnnn''