We are going to Cancun soon and just want to hear from those of you who had dined at this restaurant ... any feedback is appreciated.
Can anyone provide the address for this new restaurant? I will be in Cancun soon and would like to try it.
BANDONEON is at the corner of Nichupte and Bonampak and it is across the street from the SE corner of Plaza las Americas. From the hotel zone you can take the R-1 or R-2 bus and get off at Bonampak, which is the first light after km 0. The bus will stop after the intersection. A better suggestion and for the same price I would get off after the R-1 bus makes a right on Tulum at the second light, or after the R-2 bus stops after Tulum at the Chedraui grocery store. Grab a taxi for $20 pesos and you are there in under 5 minutes. If you get off at Bonampak, cross the street and grab the taxi. You will pass the bull ring and then see the mall on the right. The multi story building on the far right corner after you pass the mall is the building you are looking for. Upstairs from the restaurant is a club called Pure in case the cabbie does not recognize BANDONEON. You could walk from the bus stop if it is not hot (fat chance). It is a safe area.
Is it by Pure nightclub? I haven't heard of it and I'm always looking for great places to eat. T.J's bus directions are great, but if you are all dressed up for a romantic meal and your wife has spent 2 hours trying to get the frizz out of her hair from the humidity, while you wait patiently, it's probably better to pay out for a nice air-conditioned cab ride door to door.
Matt, Pure is one level above Bandoneon. You hang out with too many frizzy headed girls amigo. And just because the cabs have a/c does not mean they will be on or even working. Let the buyer beware. LOL I never dress up no matter where I go to eat although sometimes I do put on a shirt with a collar. Comfort rules.