Lots of stuff about kids being in the resort. Does anyone have a resource to confirm or not? TA reviewers are saying they talked to the kids who admitted they were under 18. We've been down several years in a row and have really enjoyed ourselves. Hate to think this October will be any different. Please post if you have reliable info. Thanks!
There were several pictures posted by GP visitors of the kids, lots of kids. But I understand it was just for that time, not a new trend. If there's kids they're in October, I hope they like MILF boobies. Old enough to know better, too young to care
there were no kids when we were there at the end of November. There were adults who behaved like kids by complaining every time some one took their top off. Make no mistake this place is NOT TOPLESS FRIENDLY. Stripper Pasties | Pastease | Nipple Covers |MyStripperCloset.com