This really is the best approach. Don't give some big story. The more words you say the more chance they feel they are in communication with them. Walk walk walk.
Yep, if you don't want to do the timeshare/vacation club spiel, keep saying no. Remember, they do this every day and have heard all of the excuses and reasons etc. that we can come up with. So they practice overcoming any objections. As we discovered during our discussion with them they still try to talk through any objections when you're in that loud room upstairs. The only thing they can't talk through is "no". Our experience with them wasn't painful, and we were at least interested in the concept (by the way, Disney, Hilton and Marriott do the same thing for their properties), but we also knew going in that anything above a certain amount wasn't happening on this trip. When they hit us with $39,900 paid out over 5 years, I just about laughed in their face. I told them my expectation was for the 40k plan to run about 3k. That's all I thought a deal like that was worth. They tried to overcome that objection by reducing the price and the corresponding benefits, which of course made it much easier to say no. Once we did that and my wife reminded them that no matter how good a deal it is (even if they did give to us for 3k) we're not signing nothing until we've had time to thoroughly review it and have a few days to think about it. That was when they were done with us. . After that, they couldn't get us out of the room fast enough. It was our turn to waste their time. In the end, we look at it as 2 benefits to our experience (besides the freebies) 1. While they were spending time with us, our fellow CCC peeps were left alone to continue carousing and partying. 2. We got the goop as to what goes on and can provide some needed information here to those of you trying to avoid them. i.e. Keep saying "no". If you find it difficult to say "no" in those high pressure situations, don't let yourself get involved, just keep saying "no" at the front desk, don't give them any ammunition, and move on. Theirs a reason the room upstairs has stronger alcohol and loud music, it's to keep you from being sharp and asking the tough questions, and to disorient you. If you're a better negotiator than we are, you might get the 40k platinum deal for 3k. If you do, let us know here, so we can all get the premium liquor. LOL. By the way, later that evening, someone there showed us a better way, all you really have to do is turn your red band inside out. It's white on the inside. Netcruizer99
They are just doing their job, so a polite "no thank you" is the first thing you should say. If they persist, end the politeness and just ignore them. They can talk all they want, but you don't have to answer. Remember, they can not MAKE you take the tour.
When we were finishing check-in I told the receptionist the we did not want to talk to premier. She pointed me to the bell guys. One premier rep ran up and asked if we knew about the new restaurant reservation system. I said yes and walked away, she called out Then what is it?, but we were already out the door. They did call the next morning about 10 with the same gotcha question but I just told him I was asleep and don't ever call me again. That was the last of our run ins with premier. While we didn't escape unscathed, telling the desk we didn't want to tall to premier definitely made our initial encounter smoother than last year.
So just out of curiosity and in case we're asked that trick question -- what is the new reservation system??
You call 1640 from your room between 9 am & 4 pm to make your reservations. Formerly, I think you had to stand in line to get a reservation.
Timeshare We support that, they were hovering when we checked in back in November, realised we were British and never came near us....must be they're wary of the British Bulldog grrrr !!!!!!!!