2nd week of August here works perfect and we are certainly in, count us for two (8th-15th) so that 10,11,12 works great for us!!!!!
Steve - if you have the numbers will we join the group in the beginning of August- August 7th would be perfect. Bill and Tracy
Steve...hello again and thanks for making the web site as great as it is. Anyways by my rough count looks like there are atleast 12 of us on here who at interested for Aug 7th...I know you need 20...I take it we are getting close??? Hopefully a few more will get on the site and indicate an interest!!!! Take care!
Hey Steve, From our count, we have 20 so far for the 28th of Aug, Yanns has four people in his group and everyone else that posted for the 28th on this board would make 20 I believe. Lets make it happen!!