The Resort has a general theme for each night and then the Folks here on try to step it up a notch. Some nights the Cancuncare theme is different than the weekly resort rotation (Things like White Dress Shirt night, Naughty Nurses, Anything but Clothes, etc). Other nights, like lingerie night, the Cancuncare and resort themes are the same. Some people participate in a theme, some just dress very sharp, some wear shorts and t-shirts. Its hard to imagine feeling out of place a TTR as long as you bring a good attitude and a friendly attitude.
We're there week 4. With it being hot, maybe less is more! Voting for a sports night, sheer night, and a white men's shirt night.
Mrs. here - I have done some shopping. For the last several years I have stuffed my suitcase full of theme night clothing only to find that very few people participate and then I look ridiculous. There has not been much interest in the August 2015 theme night thread, so I am thinking that the participation will be low again this year. Despite having started the theme night thread, I am seriously debating whether I will participate!
We will be participating!!! Hope lots of others will while we are there. Aug 25-30 C'mon people, let's get some ideas, make some decisions and have fun!!!
There will be several of us there the first part of August and we'll participate! Not sure what I'll be wearing BDSM night though. Sheer seems to be my husband's thing, so I may go with that.
Thank you for the info. we will be there from 2nd to the 5th. We will be participating!!!!....We already have everything for these theme nights....I am assuming thats a good thing lol
We are leaning towards dressing for a 2-3 of the theme nights.. Two years ago at the same time of year we did dressed. The theme was School Girl. To my husbands disappointment I quickly changed after discovering no one else was dressed. We had arrived early in the evening.. so I think most of the people that choose to dress came out later in the night. I'm shy by nature.. so I'm hoping more will be dressing this time around or I will be making a quick run to the room..
We will be there the 1st wk of Aug. and I plan on participating on the theme nights. I have yet to get anything for uniform night, so not sure if I will on that one tho. On BDSM night I bought a dress that looks like its leather/vinyl but it's not. On the party like a rockstar night I plan on wearing jean shorts & a cut up tank, gonna do it up 80's rockstar. I was sooo hot last year that there is no way I am wearing any type of leather clothing, lol! Participation was kinda low the 1st wk of Aug. last year, so hoping more ppl dress up this year! I think a lot ppl just hold out & wait to see if anyone dresses up and then just end up not changing cause only a few ppl do it. I bought all these outfits, so I am wearing them for sure!!!
We will be there 4th - 11th and will be participating. It is really good to get a group together here that will be participating. We have been very discouraged when we show up and no one else is in theme. We have also had a great time by organizing a little group that is there at the same time and participate together. Any interest in 4th - 11th or around those dates?