Well, you will be pleased as I am sure I will be drunk everyday at TTR! I am overly ready for some adult fun!!! Having a blast at our local Oktoberfest... Though I am sure it pales in comparison to the experience we will have in 16 more days!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There's a different theme each night. Check out the 1st page of the August theme night thread to see what everyone will be wearing!!!!
I started ordering just bottoms.... Then realized I needed tops if I wanted to wear the bottoms anywhere else. I think I have 7-8 bottoms and different tops to go with them. Probably over did it...
One bikini bottom per day. No tops needed. No bottoms needed if ya'll hang out on our balcony & room...
It's kind of unbelievable when the day finally arrives to head to the airport for the journey to TTR! Ron is all packed and organized, I have the bed covered with my clothes and I'm trying to figure out how I will get it all into my suitcase :huh: In 12 hours we will be at LAX waiting to board our plane for Cancun! Woohoo! So excited I didn't get much sleep last night but that's what the 6 hour plane ride is for right? Let's do this!!!