Attention: New Dress Code Policy for Reservation Restaurants

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by kristinanddoug, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. jimnloli

    jimnloli Addict Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Grapevine TX
    +21 / 0
    We're super casual people and even wear shorts to work so I don't want to be on the wrong side of any clothing debate at my favorite topless resort but...

    We always liked the dress for dinner policy and Loli packs the cute dresses so she can feel special and sexy when we eat a nice meal a couple times while we're there, so I dress nice too. I never thought it was a big deal to dress for a meal.

    If its no longer a requirement to dress for a fancy meal I guess that's okay but...

    I bet while you're sitting there in your cargo shorts and flip flops, wearing your "I'm with stupid" T shirt, your wife who is dressed to the 9's will be wishing you tried a little harder. :brick:
  2. 2plus4

    2plus4 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    I always pack linen pants to wear with several button down shirts for the nicer restaurants... I mean no one is saying dinner jackets and dress pants or a full tuxedo either. Yes I admit the dress shorts are more up scale than what the sign says, so if you get in with those good on you..... but don't complain if the maître d' asks you to change into long pants because of the "house rules" at my fathers table he expected you to dress neatly as he was more about enjoying your company than the way you looked but that didn't mean you could wear your favourite comfy sweat pants and ripped t-shirt either....we got to see in action at the Italian restaurant two young couples early 20's girls dressed to the nines looking very nice and in strolled the two young "gangsta's" that were with them... in their best dressed basketball jersey's ,hat's tilted off to the side, board short's with just the right amount of tug-down so you could clearly see their Calvin's I was embarrassed for the girls but not as much as the maître d' when he clearly had to inform the two gents they wouldn't be allowed in....there were quite a few WTF's coming from the boys and the one girl welled up in tears as for me I'll gladly sit across from my lady dressed for me and I dressed to complement her in the long pants and closed toe sandals and enjoy the looks she gives me.
  3. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    Going to my grandparents or any other dinner where we were considered company, my family always dressed nicely for a sit-down dinner. We might have been using linen napkins and the good china, but you could wear shorts depending on the occasion. (even though most holiday dinners you would be in pants anyway from the east coast).

    But reading some of this made me laugh thinking about growing up. If mom was home, shirts were required for dinner. If she wasn't there, and it was the middle of summer, most likely there were 3 Italians sitting at the table eating meatballs, sausage, and twirling spaghetti...shirtless.
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