ATM Photo Trip Report - Shitshow 2015

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by CaptMorgan, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. CaptMorgan

    CaptMorgan Addict Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Sunday, February 15 - Sheer Night

    To my complete shock and surprise, I had a bit of a hangover on Sunday morning. Probably the worst I've felt at Temptations, but nothing an omelette and Bahama Mamma or five couldn't cure. If only there had been bacon, I would have felt human. This trip, bacon was a hot commodity. Though they "trusted" us with it by putting it out on the buffet, there usually wasn't any. It pisses me off, so I'm mentioning it for the second time.

    Reserving chairs in the middle of the night turned out to be a wise decision. I needed to crash and let the alcohol I was drinking kick in, so that I'd feel better. Now, Mrs. ATM and I have many tricks up our sleeves for hangover prevention, but honestly, when all those have failed (rare) the only thing you can do is get back on the horse. And that, I did. Mrs. ATM typically waits till evening to get her drink on.

    It was a good day to be hung over, with some good poolside entertainment. Today was the Ironwoman competition. Most of us have seen it, so no need to rehash it, other than to give a shout out to Jodi from our group who crushed the competition. Good work, Jodi! (Jodi is featured in later pics).

    Arriving today was Ramsey and Lee, one day ahead of their women. Ramsey is the guy who got married at TTR later in the week after we left. He is responsible for writing that portion of the TR. His username here is "Saram" so I suggest if you don't see a TR soon, send him a private message. (You're welcome, Ramsey!).

    Anyway, Ramsey and Lee show up early afternoon at the sexy pool, dressed all mid-western in jeans and shirts. WTF? I told them go change and join the party, but they said they had to do their chores first. Again, WTF? Apparently their women (who were arriving Monday) had given them some chores and a shopping list, so they were off to Walmart for 3 hours of falling prices and a fun bus ride. I was going to mock them until they asked if I needed anything. Nice gesture, guys!

    After what seemed like only 20 minutes, Ramsey and Lee arrived back at the pool dressed for the party. Ramsey's outfit was, as always, way over the top. His outfit screamed "LMFAO", and not just because we were actually laughing our *** off! Do you see any resemblance here?

    Upon seeing Ramsey in this outfit, Mrs. ATM started recruiting a posse of women to follow Ramsey on a hot lap around the pool. Yep, this was the precise moment the pool party got started this particular day.

    Typical sexy pool shenanigans and debauchery, followed by a quick nap for Mrs. ATM and more buffet dinner. This was the second year in a row (and third trip) we did not eat at any of the sit down restaurants. I can't sit that long, and the meals can be sobering. Nobody wants sober ATM. No fun at all.

    Ryan and I had to go back to my room for something, no idea what it was. Oh yeah, fireball, I remember now. Anyway, after a few nips of that Ryan mentions that we should really have eyeliner on. Why?, I ask. He never gave me an answer but I'll be damned if we weren't both coated in eyeliner by the time we left. I remember him saying, very seriously "ONLY DO THE BOTTOM OF THE EYE!!!" I followed his sage Boystown advice and did just that, the results of which will be evident in future Sheer night photos if you look closely. Or if you don't.

    Instead of going to Paty-O for sheer night we watched the show in Nice Shoes. I honestly have no idea what the show was but I suspect it was Anything Goes. I don't pay much attention anymore. But I did get some good pics that tell their own story:

    I'm not sure if Ryan got voted off the dance floor, or if he's peeing in the corner. You decide.


    It's pretty obvious I'm wearing more eyeliner than both of the ladies combined.

    There was this creepy lady grabbing everyone's asses all night. Yet nobody complained (sorry Jodi)


    I really can't tell who's more disappointed here, Ryan or Jody?


    Since Brandie was not here this year, I was determined to fill the void with lots of weird-angled, surprise photos. Useful only for a TR.


    There's some other non-PG shots that Mrs. ATM won't let me post. It was a fun night, complete with more Paty-O burgers and ATM speaker brought down for the after party. Great times as usual.
  2. turk870

    turk870 Addict Registered Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    +340 / 1
    The reason Ryan wanted guyliner is cuz it's rock n roll and hot as
  3. Partyometer

    Partyometer I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Midwest Born & Raised
    +579 / 1
    Eyeliner! Oh shit! You guys rocked it, lol!
  4. 1st_Mate

    1st_Mate Guru Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    And you are? ;)
  5. CaptMorgan

    CaptMorgan Addict Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    Theresa, I couldn't believe the look of "WTF" on your face when I gently approached you and Tom in the hotel lobby. Mrs atm later said I should have announced myself as "stranger danger's husband". I could tell you were worn out from an early flight! Hope you guys had a great trip!
  6. Bryan21178

    Bryan21178 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
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    Flushing MI
    +468 / 0
    I love these trip reports. Nice job
  7. RnJ

    RnJ Guru Registered Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    Brandi, Jess was thinking about hiding it from me after I kept sneaking away and putting it on. Guess I'll pack my own next year :headbanger:
  8. hot_2_trot

    hot_2_trot Guest

    +0 / 0
    Brandie, I blame you for this eyeliner addiction! It's very David Bowie of them.

    I have pretty much no memory of being in Nice Shoes in that wig and tutu. This year's Shitsow was one for the ages.

    I blame all the awesome newbies. Especially Jodi. [emoji12]
  9. RnJ

    RnJ Guru Registered Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    Jeff you asked if I wanted you to blur my face but all I see is my ass lol.

    I keep staring, befuddled, at the peeing in the corner pic. My story,and I'm sticking to it, is that I was going for a drink.
  10. hot_2_trot

    hot_2_trot Guest

    +0 / 0

    Theresa, your initial reaction was smart. Be afraid! Very very afraid! STRANGER DANGER!!!!!
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