ATM Photo Trip Report - Shitshow 2015

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by CaptMorgan, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. CaptMorgan

    CaptMorgan Addict Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    ATM Photo Trip Report - Shitshow 2015

    It's that time of year again, where all the Shitshow crowd sadly gathers on CCC to read trip reports, in an effort to learn of all the funny things they forgot about the week before (some even captured on camera), and to re-live great memories of the shenanigans we all took part in.

    There were many nervous moments among the Shitshow crew this year about actually making it to TTR, because mother nature was on her period, or otherwise very upset at the idea of us getting together yet again. Many flights were delayed, but ours was only an hour or two.

    Departing DTW, we were the only people in line for security. Apparently, that earns you some extra scrutiny. A manager was called over for something "suspicious" in my backpack. After 10 minutes of questions about what I did for a living, etc they tore my bag apart and examined everything. What drew their suspicion was a box of "Cliff Bars" from Costco, it was a big brick of 30 or so of them. He told me, "I'm gonna be honest with you. Those Cliff Bars look... ominous". Directly above that, was a big 2" diameter tube of glow sticks and assorted connectors next to them. On X-ray, it looked like a big block of C4 with a detonator device right about it. Note to self, leave the ominous cliff bars at home next trip.

    Arrival at the CUN airport (5PM Saturday) was as crowded as I've ever seen it. Got through security (green light) and into our USA Transfer. I had only booked one way this time, because we were transferring to Pearl via taxi in the middle of our trip and wanted the flexibility to manage our own schedule that day.

    Arriving at the resort was different in the evening. Normally we get there just after lunch. No warm towel this time, no drink offered, and when I told them I wanted to see my room before moving in, she said "there's no point, there's only one room". I told her certainly it would be in the 2000's by Paty-O as I requested during express check-in, and she said those were all full, but the only thing she had was a room on the third floor in the quiet 5000's, again. I was pissed. We were really looking forward to NOT staying the 5000's for once. She said we could pay $70/nt to upgrade to the Temptation Suite (not a jacuzzi suite apparently, but the "nicest room in the house" right on the ocean. I offered $50 and it was a no-go. So, off we went to our shitty 5000's room only to discover, surprise-surprise, we had non-functioning A/C yet again. I'm getting really tired of this. A call to maintenance got us 5 minutes of quality time with a wee little man who spoke no English, and shot an infrared thermometer at the register OUTPUT which read 78 degrees F. Now that's not what should be coming out of an A/C vent. It was 78 in the room, so it was just recirculating moldy air. More on that later. He told me it was working perfectly. Eff it, we thought, maybe we will just open the doorwall at night.

    I decided that while Mrs. Morgan got dressed, I'd go make some hot laps around the property to find some of the other Shitshow crew. After spending an hour without finding one single person I knew (shocking) I retreated to the room to get dressed for the buffet.

    We ate dinner, after which time the show over the sports pool was starting. Out of the corner of my eye I spot Kelly, Brent, and several others eating inside Margueritas, with a "window" seat. By "window" I mean those tables right up by the prison-style wire mesh. Since I was already pretty well "tuned-up" (my go-to saying this trip to describe my state of inebriation), I walked up to the prison fence where they were sitting and yelled "ATM in the Mother-F***'n House!!!". This certainly got their attention, and some evil eyes from boring people who were in the restaurant, eating. I thought this was good for them though, cause they were going to have to deal with our obnoxiousness for a week. Better to set their expectations early.

    After many reunions with friends were made, we had to go back and get changed for the theme night, Red Dress, which I normally hate, but this was Valentine's Day. Mrs. Morgan wanted to step it up a notch this year from her normal sexy red dress, so she put on a shredded red thing that looked like she was attacked by that stray cat from Desire Pearl. It was hot, but I can only show pics from the back on this site. The fact that nobody was dancing with her did not slow her down a bit.


    Brent, "the Mayor" of the Shitshow, had grown a considerable beard since last year. The ladies loved to stroke it, and Mrs. Morgan was no exception. Seemed like every time a lady touched his beard, he had to close his eyes and go into some kind of meditative trance. Can't say I blame him. I'm going to be trying hard to summon all six of my facial hairs to form a beard for next year.

    By the way, this guy is the Mayor, but not wearing any red? On valentines? WTF! If I didn't like the guy so much I'd petition for a recall election


    It was a fun night and when the music turned off at 2AM, we kept the party going for quite a while, and somehow I ended up down at the beach beds with my lady and a Paty-O burger (not sure which I love more). She got a little frisky before we got scolded by security, so we headed back to our room and crashed around 4am. Fortunately, I had the foresight to go secure a couple chairs for the next morning. There were only a few left, even at this hour. Seems most people were reserving them the night before.

    Not a bad start to what was going to be a fun trip. Wish we had more pictures of this first night.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  2. hot_2_trot

    hot_2_trot Guest

    +0 / 0
    And.....we're off! NOW I remember that night! Awesome, Capt, keep it coming.
  3. turk870

    turk870 Addict Registered Member

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Man... I am so regretting we missed out. Can't wait to read on. Keep it coming ATM
  4. Partyometer

    Partyometer I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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    Midwest Born & Raised
    +579 / 1
    WOOT! Love it! And HOT dress Mrs. Morgan!
  5. scottydog

    scottydog I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Jamie and I second that!
  6. Nikki&Ira

    Nikki&Ira Secretary of Octoberbreast Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    +921 / 6
    Yay! I wonder if CCC traffic increases when waiting for the next installment of an ATM trip feels like I chack back a million times a day!

  7. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    These two definitely know how to party, don't they? Thanks for sharing and please tell the Mrs hot dress! She likes dresses with holes doesn't she? lol
  8. Bryan21178

    Bryan21178 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2013
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    The waiting is killing me!!!! Day 2 Please
  9. sly_m&m

    sly_m&m Addict Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    i was supposed to cut my beard before TTR but i mind have to keep it. lol can't wait for day 2!!
  10. brent&kells

    brent&kells I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2012
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