Been shopping and well got some really cute sexy dresses and of course that school girl outfit for I believe the saturday night when we are there. Lot's and lots of bikinis and my boots.
We always carry on...however, next year I may have to check luggage so I can bring another sweatshirt--it was a bit chilly this year. The little dresses and little swimsuits don't really take up too much room. It is the shoes!
a girl has to have her shoes honey! I am going to have to bring an extra suitcase just for the kinky stuff....
that is very true. I actually bring some of both. This year though I did venture out into the more sexy stuff. It was fun and my husband liked it too!!:liebe011:
I may have to bring my navy blue "Bill Clinton" dress......well it's not really Bill's dna's more than one other persons.....
I tend to take both and then see how I feel on the night ... Totaly agree with T&J.. it's how you feel that makes you sexy...although it is quite funny to see some women dressed up in sexy dresses and just look really uncomfortable and there's a woman next to her in a vest and shorts totally chilled and looking sexy as hell. It's all about the person. Never worry about what you take to TTR everything fits in just right x Lynfa x