Are you going to sign up for Obamacare?

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by twinimini, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Ben & Lisa

    Ben & Lisa Addict Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2009
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    Its not a issue of care, but of cause and effect.
    And in the US before Obama Care people that couldn't afford health care got it, just to clear that misconception up.
  2. Ben & Lisa

    Ben & Lisa Addict Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2009
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  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    I read the article but it's one mans opinion published on a Conservative blog. I'd rather look at data from the OECD or WHO when forming an opinion.

    Re 'socialised healthcare' affecting medical research and development of new drugs. I don't believe that to be the case.

    The UK has the 4th and 7th biggest pharmaceutical companies in the World in Glaxosmithkline and AstraZeneca, they are global players which also serve the US market. China is their biggest market at the moment. Whatever the UK's Govt policy is on healthcare doesn't really matter too much to them - it's just a tiny segment of the market. In recent years Brits were responsible for betablockers, the CAT scan, the first test tube baby and Viagra :)
  4. yvr1

    yvr1 Regular Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2013
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    I don't think I'm a bottom feeder. I employ people in the community, pay a disproportionate amount of taxes, and pay into programs that I derive no benefit from whatsoever. Most of my tax dollars go toward paying for other people's kids. This would be no different whether in Canada or the US. But in the US, I would have the privilege as a business owner to pay for employee healthcare as well, while having to pay for my own. I love it when people have no problem with someone else paying for their kids, their healthcare, their retirement, etc..... and in the very next breath denounce the evils of socialism. They're willing to take everything I can give them, but when it comes to give something back to me, their wallets are suddenly drawn tight. This doesn't seem fair or reasonable.

    As for drug R&D, Steve mentioned several key players in pharma that are not US based. You could add Novartis, Bayer Ag, and Schering Plough to that list. I don't invest in that sector, but I can tell you that R&D is funded by investment, not nationality. These are all public companies and as such, anyone can invest their money. The fact that a company is US based is not entirely significant in respect to it's operations. Tim Hortons moved their headquarters to the US for several years, until moving back to Canada citing a disadvantageous tax climate.

    I'm not trying to convince you one way or the other, but let's use facts, not conjecture and rhetoric. And, I have no problem paying for myself, but I also don't want to pay for anything for anyone else at that point. Fair is fair.
  5. yvr1

    yvr1 Regular Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2013
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    My wife and I have spent part of the summer in the south of France the last 4 or 5 years and although we've haven't had to use the hospital or anything, we noticed a couple of strange things. One paradox was that you will see almost no obesity anywhere. It's weird when you get home and see so many big people. On the other hand, everyone smokes. It's gets tiresome after a while.

    Also, if you need some Tylenol or basic otc drug, you need to go to a pharmacy. It's a little less convenient than at home where you can get basics like this anywhere pretty much. One clerk looked at us like we were nuts when we asked for aspirin at a big box grocery store. We must have scoured the whole place before realizing they didn't sell items that were otc at home.
  6. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Well, I got another shocker about Obamacare. A client of mine is in his early 70's and he has dementia. He is covered under Medicare. His wife is in her 50's and she had to quit her job to take care of her husband. So she signed up for Obamacare and got a fully subsidized policy. Now what is the kicker here is that they have over $2 million in the bank and they live in a $2 million home. I couldn't believe this so I looked it up. There is apparently no asset test for Obamacare. It is based strictly on income.

    So now don't you all feel better to know that you and I are subsidizing the health insurance of millionaires. America, what a country!!
  7. tnsaf

    tnsaf Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    Well I have to say I have been following this thread with some interest and I would have to say that overall I am happy with our Canadian Medical System, as far as Obamacare I think the major issue is that it simply does not go far enough . I believe a single payer system is really the only way to go,once insurance companies are involved I am not sure the best interests of the taxpayer are going to be served

    On a separate note, YVR1 your Wife looks fantastic ! looks like whatever system she is using works!
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Do you object to someone that has undoubtedly contributed a significant sum of money to the US economy throughout their working life (in taxes) from receiving some kind of Govt assistance in their final years when they are not able to capably look after themselves?

    America is a continent, two actually. Not a country.

    But I understand the gist of it and I'd agree, there's not many places in the World where people might complain about this situation.
  9. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Steve, I have no objection to helping someone who can not help themselves. I do not object to the husband receiving Medicare in any way shape or form. What I do object to is being forced to pay for his wife's insurance when they have more than enough funds to cover her insurance. It comes down to the age old argument of helping those who do not need help.

    BTW, the guy made his millions in Canada so his contribution to the US economy has been rather mild.

    My reference to America, what a country is a take off on the Russian comic who always used the comment. I agree that it America is not a term that should be used for only the US, although it is a difficult habit to break. When I was an exchange student in Argentina many years ago I was reminded that America is actually the entire hemisphere, not just one nation.
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