Ok this is not a DONE deal but we are thinking of taking another vacation next summer to cancun ( I KNOW I KNOW i still need my last trip report and we will this month I promise lol) but we would like to take the one as a family with the 4 children we are adopting and ofcource our two biological children. We are thinking of staying at a palace resort again ( love that tours are included and love cancun palace!! We know we would need 2 rooms) and thinking either June or july .We won't beable to do "extra tours ect" but would love to show the new children what a vacation is like!!( they have never been to ANY!) Ok so here is my question. We are 99.9% sure our adoption would be done by this time but if not we will have to get approval from the court( which we will get) to take them to cancun. Also the Court will have to approve getting a passport and give us a letter to allow us to travel with them. How do we get their names on the passport changed once we adopt them? and what exactly will we need from the court to travel with them? My only other fear is this. We get approval from the Court and get the passport ect and then we adopt before we leave for vacation. There is no way we would get their new birth certificates back in time to change their names on the passports before the time we would travel ( all the kids names are being changed at adoption and we are told it can take up to a year to get the new birth certificate) Do we just have them use their old names while On vacation? EEK maybe we should wait a year or two before we go but we would really like to go this next summer. Advice?
Cant help on the legal issues I'm afraid, presumably you're going through some kind of adoption service would they have staff who could help on that? 6 kids? :blueshock: are you crazy? most definitely :wink:
lol well we spoke to the childrens case worker today and she said Oh that sounds great!! I will see what I can find out for you but she says should be no problem getting us approved to take them to Mexico before the adoption but again we may have adopted them BEFORE we leave for cancun so then I am still kinda lost about what to do about passports. We don't want to wait until the last minute to get them and uh I dont think we can because it can take a year to get the new birth certificates........ But she said she thinks she ( the state) can apply for passports for the children before they are adopted and could take court papers up showing they are now adopted and get the names changed on them but she is not sure as she has never delt with that before. Our oldest new son (age 14) wants to go to mexico really bad ( he is half mexican and there is things he specifically wants to see or try) Of cource he has asked if we could take him back when he was 18 also bc he "heard it is the drinking age LOL!!!" We told him no :wink: The twin 9 year olds and the 10 year old wants to see the Ocean and says they want to swim from one side to another and tells us it can't be that far LOL!!!!!! ( btw they sink!! so they are doing swimming leassons after Christmas lol!) Andrianna told them good luck with swimming across it! lol Dallas just says he wants more fried ice cream LOL! We are thinking maybe Playa this time since we had did cancun ( and I never got to shop on 5th avenue *throwing a fit* ) but of cource we would come back to cancun for one full day so i could see my fav lil princess while we was there!!!! I wonder who that would be :wink: OK OK I admitt I enjoy seeing her parents 2!! :lol:
There are probably a few issues you need to take care of. Passports are a must, I would bring copies of ALL birth certificates, and probably some copies of adoption papers. who knows in these day and times what the hell Immigration wants (On both sides of the border). The next issue is where will you stay that has that much room? You will definatley need a "Villa" or connecting rooms. Just to go along with Steve "Are you Freaking crazy?" Why not just move here? lol
LOL SURE!!! I'll pack us all up and just move there!! lol!! Looks like we may have a kink in our plans. While the Caseworker said it was a Go and we can go no problem she would get the passports for us ect but then supervisor said that would be a issue as we are going from Foster parents to adoption parents and everything. SO I guess we are waiting. We plan to stay at the Palace reports when we go and buy two rooms from a member for a week.Hopefully get connecting rooms!! If not I stay in one with some kids and DH does same . But Looks like we have some more time to wait . The good news is they say the adoption should be final in 6 months. Sigh hurry up and wait hurry up and wait