We need to get a sticky thread on Miss Temptation going. Mindi won for Feb so we're headed back in Jan for sure. If you look up the calendar shoot and party video for the finals, it looks like an AMAZING party!!!
OK...my votes in. She only up by two votes right now folks. It's easy to vote and only takes a second! Do the right thing....VOTE! LOL
Thing is people tend to skim over the stickies and they're not as well read as non stickies at the top of the board. Keep the thread at the top and we'll do it.
Mindi... Congrats. I got some funny comments from Mario about the other girls who quit the contest that month. You definitely had the hottest pics. We had such an awesome time during the finale contest that a number of the 2009 girls are coming back (us included). I look forward to meeting you in person. Viola... count us in for as many votes as I can vote. Cancuncare 100% helped me have an amazing trip and I hope we can do it for you.
It finally let me vote!! For those that it is saying that the verification code is wrong, make sure you check one of the boxes to recieve the email newsletter. After I clicked the box it let me vote.
Wow!!! You all are amazing. Its going to be a close race and a very long 2 weeks but I'm so not giving up...lol. Girl your pic in the Calendar is gorgeous and your trip report from Miss. Temptation finale was the whole reason I entered it all sounded way to fun to miss. MRMRSDIESEL hopefully I will get too meet you January!! All my Cancuncare friends you are the best and promised here are some pic's and I'm sure we will all get to party sometime at Temptation... well hopefully ~.. ps Steve thanks for creating this website you rock!! I can always post more if need be... ~ thanks