Yeah, we've blown it up before geting into the 4 and 5 thousand votes... they have changes the screens to make that harder... but we'll see what we can do to help you out..... Jamie
Ok everyone, Facebook sayes that it's the last day to vote. Do or die. Let's get the last few votes in..... Viola, one thing I did was "stop in" to all my coworkers computers when they were getting coffee and vote from their email addresses. That way they did not find out what I was participating in but I got their votes. ( I know, sketchy, but I wanted to win) Keeping my fingers crossed.
"Last days to vote for Miss Temptation April2010! Go ahead and vote! and if you already voted, recomend yourfriends!! Close out date may 26th:"
Good morning!! Kat & Tmac and GCPSgirl THANK YOU for voting!!!! Every single vote seriously is needed! Jaime thanks for the offer and anything you can do to help would be great. 4 to 5 thousand votes!! That is crazy I'm so tired after getting 400 Boy & Girl I actually did try to use the computers at my work (due to there is over 300 associates and even more computers than employees) but because they have the voting system recognize the IP address I could only get 1 vote!!! Its crazy, that they are going off IP address it makes it even harder!! Per Mario the contest will end tomorrow at 500 CT. So any help any votes will be appreciated!! Thank you everyone for the help its been A LONG 2 WEEKS!!! But I hope in the end it will be worth it!!:aktion060::icon_wink::bowdown:
acrcouple THANK YOU!!! On a side note the other girl is up by 7 votes... weird how that happens out of nowhere, I was the one in the lead and now she is Well one more day and I can finally sleep!! drewp... hmmmm not sure what you would win with 1 vote but if you can get 7
Steve's point makes a helluva lotta cent$. Marketing genius at work. I hope he's right and I hope the "webmaster's" girl never wins it. That would just be wrong. Steve - you haven't notice their girl win before, have you? Viola, I heard there's a 300 vote penalty if you wrongly accuse someone of cheating. :icon_lol: Voted from my bro's computer last night. Ran out of computers but we are pulling for ya!