I will have the wristband done after X-Mas. They will say April Addict 2015 ( as well this year ) + Cancun Vacation Guide | Cancun Tours and Hotels. They will be orange, and printed of embossed I don't have any idea on the color tho . =) If you have any idea let me know .. I'm clueless. Maybe I will have them in Orange and blue then add a yellow embossed writing .. I have no idea so if you want to see which choice I have Go here and then Choose whatever what you want and let me know https://www.wristbandguy.com/silicone-wristbands
Desire or TTR We will be either at Desire or TRR or maybe a split, between March 28 - April 4th. Haven't decided yet.
I don't have a yellow one, or purple yet,,, yes the blue one were nice could always get white one and confuse every one