We are out for April sad, but on a good note we purchased a house. We are hoping for November if everything goes right! I wish you all a wonderful drunken vaca! Cheers K
My name is Hallie but my initials are HAM so everyone calls me Hammie I'm traveling with my ex-husband Brandon (He would like to be known as the "token black guy") and our buddy David (I'm not sure if he would like us to disclose what he is known for... hehe) We will be in town April 7th-14th and on the Boobs Cruise on April 8th. I'm from South Jersey (45 minutes from Philly, 45 minutes from AC). Brandon is from Mt Holly, NJ/Trenton areas. David is from Philthydelphia. And we can't wait to meet you!
again and again It took until now to recover from two weeks at TTR in February. Returning April 12th through April 19th to continue the uninhibited release of our inner beings. Boob cruise on tap for April 16th. We wonder if we are becoming addicts? What a way to go!:azzangel:
I take offense! That was the 90's. We are a regular metropolis now with public trash removal and places to hide the homeless!
Jack & Andrea First time to TTR, but we are in cancun every 6months for the past few years! Can't wait! 25 days!!