hi lisa and paul, i know i'm gonna miss u in april:icon_cry:. the later dates in april worked out better for me this year. i will definitely be there for halloween again next year and some of us do have a birthday :elizabeth: during that time....i will see you in oct then:xyxthumbs: charlene
Well I sent a letter to Santa this Christmas asking if he could find me a cute female, that loves to drink, loves to go topless, body shots etc, a, b, c or d cup.... I told him I wasnt picky.... I just recieved a letter back stating "Dear Jim, Thank you for your letter, upon reading it and taking into consideration all of your requests about females and breasts and partying, I am inclined to forward your letter to the expert I use for such request, I have sent your letter to Woody Wood of Macedon, New York. Please note that your request is in good hands (literally) as there is not a woman nor breast that Woody hasnt inventoried, his hand have handled more Breasts then Colonel Sanders. Merry Christmas Jim and good luck. Sincerely, Santa p.s. Could you put in a good word with woody for me also.
Looks like we will be joining your groups, we went in March for a week and while at another resort in December we went for a day. Going to be there 4/14/12-4/22/12. Counting the days....
OK Folks! I’m putting together the start of April’s 2012 .pdf file for us April 2012 TTR Addicts. If you want to get on it, please E-mail me your: NAMES, CANCUNCARE SCREEN NAMES, DATES YOU’LL BE THERE (IF YOU’RE THERE IN MOSTLY APRIL )(NOT GOING TO INCLUDE FOLKS THAT ARE THERE MOSTLY IN MARCH OR MAY THIS TIME) & A PICTURE OF YOU ALONG WITH YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO ME— Woody My e-mail is vetter79@rochester.rr.com Phone# 315-986-7450 As the list updates, I will forward it to everyone on the list that I have addresses for. Hopefully this worked out for most when we did it this year so let’s see if we can do it again! Woody & Sue (We’ve booked for April 10th – 21st 2012)
looking forward to meeting you, you guys get in the day before us, counting the days down also, thanks for the update woody, going to be a great crowd down there, prob wont be on here again for a couple of days, as the pubs are open, and there is a few pints lined up with my name on them, so just wishing everyone a happy new year, and see you all in april . YAAAAAHHHHHHHH artytime::lotsofmichaelfs:
Remember, I have 200 custom April Addicts wristbands to give out when we get there, so don't go buy any!! :xyxthumbs: