Okay, so I am a Maple Leaf, and Minnesota Viking fan, so clearly I will not be wearing any sports gear. After all I prefer to make friends honestly, not out of sympathy for my choice of sports team. (Though there seems to be hope for the Vikings) I don't have tattoos, and the pierced nipple is out (that would really hurt). I am bald, but that doesn't help to narrow the field, so I guess I will just have to hunt you all down, and introduce my wife and I the old fashioned way "Let's do a shot!"
No, the ducks fans were cool in Dallas (at least be for the game, lol) plus you guys put it to Jameis Winston(couldn't help myself, lol), so I give you credit for that. There are no bad teams, just people from -ichigan. ... lol. That said i'll be wearing a zeke (#15) myself...
Its all good, there will be plenty of great conversation and partying. .. plus, I am Sure your shot technique is a winner!
I wanted to go with my National Champion Buckeyes. But I have been shot down. Looks like the Steelers it is......
37 days ......... I think I'll have a drink while we wait. Practice, Practice, Practice ! April 5th-12th
I was there in October, I remember you guys you were so nice. I'll be there April 8th -15. So I'll keep an eye out, and when you see the guy with tattoos all over, come say hi Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Proud uncle here, with one nephew in the Marines and the other graduating from Paris Island March 6 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk