We're on 13th and 16th. 13th looking like it will be a bit more "intimate" on a smaller boat...will be awesome! 16th...holy s$!#...bring it on!! Soo excited! And a lot of amazing people
I'm a newbie and not sure I'll be going topless! I was told not everyone ditches their tops and its cool!
My doc told me 6 months of no sun and to use a sunscreen stick on the incision if out in the sun. Hope that makes sense.
Completely agree! At home I’m pretty protective of my wife and making sure the clothing stays in place, but there it’s so comfortable and normal her top is coming off before I can get my shirt off and then I get distracted for a second and trip over something. Love it lol
You can do it...but it is frowned upon...literally the last three cruises on there hasn't been a single top.
First timers here! We are booked for April 30th! We thought it would be a great way to meet people at the beginning of our trip! Can’t wait!!
Looks like April 30th cruise is filling up. Have a good amount of people not overfilled and not empty, should make for a great cruise