This time next week we will be saying goodbye to the dog and all our family, ready for a sleepless night, as we will be too excited to sleep , cant wait to see all our friends and make many more TTR friends, we missed last April so we are ready to get there and party. :ernaehrung015: :mnm: :lotsofmichaelfs: :ass: :flash:
It's starting to feel real now. We just checked in online and printed up our boarding passes. We should be knocking them back at the sexy pool by lunch time tomorrow.
Less than a week. On a plane saturday morning at 5am!!! Took a couple days for the top to come off last year but this year im bringing micro thongs and looking forward to the girls getting some sunshine! Cant wait!!!
We also have a early 6am flight this Wednesday. The early traveler gets the alcohol first! LOL.. We will save you some for your arrival on Sat... :beer4:
Just got our 72 hour pre flight notice from Wesjet! Wholly to get back home and get into final packing! Only 3 more sleeps!