Getting Excited! I don't know how many days we have (my wife is keeping count), but in reading all these threads I can't wait to get there. It's our first time.
Don't start counting until till you see April boob cruise start to be announced, then it time for the count down.
If you must, we'll just have to rough it. Somebody give me a hand here; what day and month is it...I've got to get my bearings!
I double promise! Join the singles thread, the April facebook group, other CCC threads geared towards newbies and dance with Spicy when you hear Timber! My alibi will now be, "but Tflexxin said...":flash: Done! :aktion033:
"if you're a girl, pretty much do whatever you want", Okay so that's the one and only thing about TTR that's not different from everywhere else in the world!
Is it April yet? First a short trip to Vegas next month for liver training and then TTR for the shitshow....we are looking forward to partying with everyone xxoo