Is January ever gonna end? This month has felt three months long! I'm ready for April. We're going on a cruise in a few days and I really have to remember to keep my top on and that "people do know us and they definitely give a sh*t!"
Oh we feel your pain. Try living in northern New York on the Canadian border, where it seems it's winter 13 months out of the year. April, TTR and the sexy pool and all you guys can't get here fast enough.
Based on my newbie experience last year that included an alteration in my normal gastrointestinal functionality that continued for about a week after returning, Dr. Bob's advice to anyone who has experienced the same issue or would like to prevent the issue when visiting Mexico should take a PROBIOTIC that contains S. BOULARDII. (Saccharomyces Bioulardii) It should start being taken two weeks prior to the trip and continued throughout the trip. This will better prepare the gut to combat those pesky Mexican bacteria that contribute to those uncomfortable gastrointestinal disorders. That's Dr. Bob's tip for this year. Enjoy!!
I'm sooooo glad we've had a mild winter in KC so far (knock on wood)! April is going to be awesome but it takes a lot to get me through this cold crap. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk