I wish I could pretend to work. Can't fake taking blood. Although they would all think I am wonderful when they didn't feel the needle.14 hours of work left. Is it bad that I was still waxing legs at 4:09 am. Just trying to get it all done.
We just booked the hotel for Saturday 11th, only one night but we will be there for most of Saturday and Sunday.
Ummm, if your taking my blood you need to get a good nights sleep, I want you sharp (no pun intended)if you are sticking me with a needle.
OK folks, Getting ready to shut the April Addict's Roll Call down. Any stragglers want to get on the list, send me your info. The last update will be on the 13th cause we're outta here too! :clappyinghappy: Info on the Addict's R/C is the 1st link and the latest roll call is the 2nd link. Let's get a roll on now and get ready to party!! :flash: See a lot of you there!! Woody & Suzie! https://www.dropbox.com/s/giwtoquwrlpzb1r/Addicts Ad 2015.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cp24hjov6bhn5r0/April 2015 Bookings.pdf?dl=0