THE 5 ANSWERS WE ’ VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! Q: WHAT ARE THE SMALL BUMPS AROUND A WOMAN'S NIPPLES FOR? A: It's Braille for 'suck here'. Q: WHAT IS AN AUSTRALIAN KISS? A: It's the same as a French kiss, but 'down under.' Q: WHAT DO YOU DO WITH 365 USED CONDOMS? A: Melt them down, make a tire, and call it a Goodyear. Q: WHY WERE HURRICANES NORMALLY NAMED AFTER WOMEN? A: Because when they come, they're wild and wet. But when they go, they take your house and car with them. Q: WHY DO GIRLS RUB THEIR EYES WHEN THEY GET UP IN THE MORNING ? A: Because they don't have any balls to scratch... BONUS QUESTION Q: What is a man's Ultimate embarrassment? A: Running into a wall with an erection and breaking his nose.
yacht April 21 to 26 we are going to be at Temptations the week of the 20th April if anyone is booking the yacht and need two more people we'd love to join you .
We woke up to 3 foot drifts of snow in the driveway this morning. Not the same as seeing sand and surf.
Jess, you are proving how fast you are again...I just posted that about the snow. I wanted to add a pic or two, but don't see how to do
just look at the top you'll see a small icon for picture, ( task bar ) or on your cellphone if you have tapatalk just look at the left corner down if not then put it on facebook they do copy url picture and post it here make sure is url so people will not see your real first and last name or use imageshake and put the link here Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
You can in a web browser, that how I usually post my pics. Just right click the image and click Copy Image and then in the post box right click and say Paste. That way I don't need to save images from other sites on my desktop or phone. Here's a pic of a cloudy day in paradise