So do I Karen after seeing next weeks weather forecast -17 to -20 during the day falling to -25 during the night....brrrrrrr
gangnam style I am in and I am NOT kidding! No lie, I broke it out during step aerobics class today just to start practicing! artytime:
So after I watched that video I had to watch 4 more videos related to Gangnam style. That's twenty minutes of my life I'll never get back. Thank you for that!:aktion051: LOL!
I have never before lied about my age and it hasn't actually boded well for me in the past. So this time I'm gonna be 4 years younger than however old the guy is who's asking. Unless he's specifically looking for a cougar, in which case I'm 15 years older than he is! :headbanger:
accents I LOVE the British accent (Aussie, Irish, South African, Kiwi too!) but I also enjoy the Canadian as long as it's really strong and you say "eh" a lot!! JimCarrie, where do you live in IL?
I lose my voice EVERY vacation. I come back and people say, "You must have just returned from Cancun." Carol where do you live in Central Illinois?