Open the Mac App store and in the search field type "paint" and you will find many many paint apps available.
I would love some pics of the 19th cruise as I didnt take my camera. PM me if you dont mind sharing....
If anyone wants pics from the 19 cruise just PM me your email address and I'll send them to you. I don't have many and they were taken randomly but your welcome to them!
Oh, don't worry, I made that poor Oz hug me anyway. 2 hours before I was leaving the resort I told the poor guy, don't worry I'll quit flirting with you in 2 hours. And he replies back in that OH SO SEXY accent of his, "No you won't." And I'm like yeah, I will, I'm leaving, I promise, LOL. We need more aussies and kiwis at the resort, and higher quality, somewhat sober Englishmen. Work on that will ya? When are you next there? I'm looking at the fall...