3 more sleeps!!.. its harder to pack for 2 weeks, so much stuff and so little space..good thing my dresses are tiny...lol
17 - 25 Rock-n-Roll baby!!! Tasha and I will be at the pool tomorrow around 12:00. I would like to pre-order: Mr. Bartender.....I will take 2 shots and 2 Temptations please. That's what I'm talking about!!!!!!
Under 10 days, ready for a drink and the sun! Under 10 days...express checked in...started packing...we are ready for a drink, maybe a couple of drinks, ok, a lot of drinks and fun!!!:daveandmo:
I aced my final exam this morning and picked up our pesos on my way home from school. Sooooooooo ready to PARTY! 4 more sleeps, see you all Saturday!!!!! -M
At this time next week I imagine I will be slightly sun burnt, hungover, and sipping on my second or third beverage. Relaxed and happier than a pig in shit!!! Cheers everyone can't wait to get there and see new and old friends.
It's Party Time It is finally time to Rock & Roll...feels like we have been waiting for ever but the wait is finally:lotsofmichaelfs: over. We arrive tomorrow....Yippee
...C U There! Race U 2 the SexyPool,... Or Paty-O's... Or wherever Karen, Monique & Mommabear(Carol) are makin' a ruckus!
Congratulations on the exam, Michelle. I didn't realize you were still in high school !! Pat must have robbed the cradle! lol See you in 5 days!
Uh oh, if you go with that though, you might lose you cougar status. Decisions, decisions......lol. Oh yeah, and congrats on acing the exam! Good to know we'll be partying with the smart people!