I have made my appearance at work today. They all know too well, I will get nothing accomplished. This time Sunday I will be in flight, but my mind is already there.
No work today, getting things ready for the sitter. He wants all the toys ready to play with. Quad, boats, sleds, jeep whatever makes him happy, just glad he's doing it. hopefully we will still be friends after a week with my kids. lol
Donald!! I'm sure Monique has just as many posts as me on this thread! lol :aktion025: :aktion025: :aktion025:
OK--so we're up at 4am (can't sleep) getting ready to head to the airport for our 7am flight. Kids taken care of--work taken care of--passports, itinerary--all in place. Get to the airport--and the ticket counter lady says "YOU ARE NOWHERE ON TODAY'S FLIGHT--AND IT'S OVERBOOKED ALREADY". Panic mode sets in, phones, bags, etc. are being abused and wondering if we're going to be going home. Call Orbitz, and they give us the same number that's on our itinerary. Proceed to "self checkout" and voilla--BOARDING PASSES!!! Proceed back to stupid bitxx at bag check-in, and get dirty looks for having gone around her and gotten on our flight--needless to say, drinks were in order to calm down the nerves after that fiasco. You can mess with us any other time of year--but NOT ON OUR TRIP TO TTR!!!!! See you all there by 3pm today--are the drinks ready? Maybe a few shots?? Gotta deal with the first day curse!!
I, for one, would like to thank Karen and Monique and yes, even Donald, for making sure the April Addicts are prepared to rock the resort. Don't think your contributions go unnoticed or that we take them for granted. You guys are the best! [Did I suck up enough? Just want to make sure I'm covered if I need shots or something...] See you soon!
It just keeps getting better!! Loaded the plane at Dallas--sit there over an hour--now unloaded plane and sitting here waiting for another--broken wing. The way it's looking now--the first day of vacation is officially ruined--don't suppose the airlines reimburse you for "time lost"??? On second thought--will probably just have to make up for it with more shots!!!