happy b-day guys!! ha ha we got each other a gym membership! ha ha good thing he got one too or, well, the pain would of went away sooner or later!!
Man, why didn't we think of that... Kind of a Sweatin with yer Sweetie promotion for our gym?!? Keep on sweatin, strainin, don't allow complainin & kiss each other where it's "painin' ".
Kori had to buy some new dress for the TTR trip and a nice see through shirt for white shirt night and a great new bra. Have a little trouble taking her in to the school girl night outfit. But I still have 8 weeks to see if she will go for it. So we are good for white, red and white shirt night.
Tell Kori that Schoolgirl Night gets the highest participation of any theme night next to lingerie Night and White Night. I think she will feel sorry if she misses out on that one, as we always take some great group pics of all the girls.