Thanks guys. Yeah that would be great to get that number. What a great crew you guys are a part of. Keep in touch.
Thanks Craig and same back at you. Let's be honest wasn't Gin and I rockin the boat, that was someone else's department but they did an admirable job!:69: Thx for the July invite, sounds like a fun trip though we're likely headed for Vanc Island around the same time frame this year. We'll have to see!
Thanks guys, yeah gin is still healing and somehow I ended up with 2 small clusters of bed bug bites on my legs...which I am thinking might have happened on our flight home. Gin really clutzed it up big time this year but she'll pull through.
Thanks guys and yes it was a lot of fun getting to spend some more time together. Our greatest fear happened....we found that the damn April crew was just as cool and fun as our May crew. So we are really screwed for next year and are just going to book a trip to Winnipeg.
Thanks Kim and we thought you and the Brewster were outstanding (even though you live in a silly province). Lol. Just kidding! Thanks again for your coordinating efforts for themes etc.
I hope you come girl. Love to party it up with you again. Well if you decide to come up then get in touch with me on facebook. We are possibly looking at renting a condo or house between Vince,Wendy, their kids, Glenn and I. Still alot of talking and checking to do but it may work.
Carol... How much fun was that trip??!!?? Gin and I thought you were great and loved that you always had a smile on your face and your partied so hard that your voice went to shit. Ha ha. Meeting you that first night and then you feeding me fistfulls of Yummy Bears (aka "Clumping" for the noobs out there) was a memory we won't forget. You are such a sweetie, we miss you already!
lol..Silly Province? and hmmm, where is Kelowna, is that in Canada?.. haha!! Too bad the themes nights did not get much participation in our weeks.. but it was fun all the same..
I don't know about you guys, but this back to work sucks big time.. its only 10:14am and I feel like I've put in 8hrs already.. I've had to check a couple times this am to be sure the clocks haven't stopped...