Heading to the airport in less than 2hrs....Better start packing! Boob Cruising on Friday!! Hope we're not just surrounded by seamen.. :liebe039:
Just got back last night. Wow what an unrelenting week of parting. Wouldn't have it any other way though. Was an incredible week with old freinds and new ones. Couldn't have had dreamed of a better crowd or time. For those of you just going remember to let loose and sleep is also optional. lol Woo Hoo!!!!:mnm: Vince
Ya, it was great meeting you also, so many people not enough time for all the great people we met. Got a great pick of you 2 from Schoolgirl/Kilt night I will send to you when I have a chance.
No, we had thought about it, but it was Glen & Monique's last night, and wanted to spend the time with them as it was our first full day at the resort (Boobs Cruise !st day). After that we left for nothing. Why would ya? lolo
Hi Guys, We had a great time with both of you once again. Hope you kept up the partying after we left. Are you coming in Sept3-11th? Glenn and I are searching for May right now. Looking for that great deal.