Gonna miss You Burt (o.k. Matt too) Def. hope we are all partying together next April. Enjoy your trip...
I'll make sure theres a cold beer ready for you (i can leave one ready for someone else, the rest are mine)
Getting our list of things to do done. Don't forget to notify your credit card company that you will be in Mexico. Or you could find your card declined. Not a great way to start your vacation. Let's get this huge party started.
Woohoo 7 more sleeps! Holy crap I better get to tanning my redheaded white ass! By the way, I was in Buffalo this weekend and picked up some Cherry alcohol infused whip cream... whip cream bikini anyone? See you all soon! Cheers Nicole April 13-20th
Thanks, almost forgot, wasn't on the list at least, yet. Was thinking about my phone, making sure it's on an International Plan. Don't want to come home and be on Canada's Worst Cell Bill Show. lol:banghead: 4 more sleeps, almost packed, getting restless tick....tick......tick
Passports - check, $$$ - check, sexy evening wear (Leslie) - check, Beads - check, glow stuff - check, proof of payment for Apr 16 Booze Cruise - check, camera - check...yup packed and ready to go. Only 6 more sleeps. Yippee!!