U can bet your As- on that!!! 4 cans now --Rasberry, Chocolate, Cherry and Caramel!!!! :flash::flash::69:
Im remembering last year bruce, Patty O's packed with people, having to lean in to hear what each other is saying, shots , shots, drink , drink, a few less people but music and still having to lean a bit...shots, shots, shots, shots, drink, burger, shots , shots.... to being able to hear a pin drop and Danny leaving the bar and were still there... wish I could have taken an overview picture of the packed bar in the beginning with the childrens song in the backround " Some of these things are not like the others" then show the picture of an empty bar with us still at the same table talking drunken politics haha
Our experience last year when we went on the booze cruise through the resort was that they quoted us in USD but when I pd for it by credit card they charged in pesos. Exchange rate wasn't bad but I'm pretty sure there was a bit of an up charge.
Ah yes... we had all the slow brain cells killed off. Nothing but brilliance remained. All the world's problems solved... except one. How do we get another shot of tequila?
How do we get a shot of tequila and how the hell do I get to my room from the stair case by the sports bar... shit that was a mind bender after almost 20 hrs of drinking haha
To those of you arriving on the 10th(Kim Brewster,Jim, Chet, Jimmy n Maria, Lyle n Heather, Ben n Lisa), let me apologize in advance as some of us will be getting back from the Boob's cruise around 5 n totally hammered. Please don't let that scare you!! lol