Sorry Dave and Sue- unless England has something equivalent to it- American Association for Retired People... Having a card, gives us alot of discounts in the states.
So AARP lowered the age limit so Joyce could get in this year??? LOL:clappyinghappy: I believe Woody is the only retired one in our group, the rest of us are working like dogs to feed our TTR habit ha ha
ha ha woody, i thought it meant all ages ready to-party :icon_lol::mnm:, think ed has got it right, we are having to work our butts off for this trip, sue has a shopping expedition penciled in for march,:icon_biggrin: only thing we get over here is oap ( old age pension ) and we are still along way from that, so suppose it's back to the grindstone :icon_mad:
We are booked April 17-24th. We've been to Cancun several times, but never to Temptation. You can call us the newbies!
welcome kevin & kathy, looking forward to meeting you guys, have a look at the april roll call sticky at the top of the page, steve now has pics and dates of everyone who will be there, you two will have a blast,.
We are so excited.... will be there 16th-22nd. yeeehhhhaaaa. Kevin and Kathy, do you have any pics so we know who you guys are when we are all there?