I hear you there. We're are in Kansas City and got about 5 inches yesterday. Ironically, we were just saying 4 weeks from Saturday will be on our trip. Snow sucks!!
Have a Great Birthday Sue, Glad to see your guy's dedication to Temptations by practicing all night.....lol....
hey kevin and kathy, we live just down the road from you in salina, ks! we arrive on the 17th of april...see you then! susan
happy birthday to sue!!! hope you had a great day! can hardly wait to see you again! these next 27 days cannot go by fast enough! see you soon!! susan
thanks jim, dave did train very hard last night, think he still needs some more training to catch up with you guys when we get there, see you on the 16th, we will be the bleary eyed ones, having been up over 24 hours cya soon.
ty susan, sure i will have a great day, we cant wait to see you both again, will be looking out for you guys and robert & nina when you arrive on the 17th, wish it would hurry up, this month seems to be going sooooooo slowly, cant wait to be sitting around the pool with our drinks in hand and having a great :lotsofmichaelfs: