Talked to Steve and he says that he'll set up a "Stickey" for an April "18th?" Booze/Boobs Cruise for us. Does that meet w/ your approval Eddie??? :headbanger::headbanger:
sue would get arrested is she wore what she wears at the sexy pool down town , lol , and i like clothes sometimes, always leaves something to the imagination, think thats why lingerie night was invented i think
So many things to do, hope there are allot of people that like to party morning to night. We will be there first week of April. Hope Christi brings her Bunny costume for Easter. Steve any chance for an Easter Sunday Boobs Cruise?
For the most part -only what your mind can envision!! :whisper::clappyinghappy::clappyinghappy::ernaehrung005::angel2::angel2::liebe011: