Apr 2010 Got a problem folks. As you know, I've got a .pdf file up that I'm sending everyone on the list. Unfortunately, my puter went south along w/ everyone's e-mail addresses.:icon_rolleyes: To the people that are on this list~~ Can you re-send me your e-mail addresses so that I can get this back up and running again? My address is - vetter79@rochester.rr.com Woody (The Woodman)
Be my guest Dave!!!! :flaguk: Man...it's funny how time can go so slow when you want it to go fast...(i.e. waiting to go to TTR) then when you're there (at TTR) and you want time to actually be slow - it's too damn fast!!!! Uughhh
Isnt that a perfect example of the theory of relativety? Cause you KNOW Einstein was planning a trip to TTR when he came up with that shit!!
Gotta find one of those time traveller machines (aka back to the future)... but then again this is like that old Heinz Ketchup commercial (with the Carly Simon song).... A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N...
Eight weeks today,cant wait. you know im gonna be on here now every friday right!!! lol yayyyyyyy sue x
Let's get ready!!!! I will be your bartender... What's your drink of choice? I like a sex on the beach then a screaming orgasim next....
Just confused again did Todd post this ??? LOL We are sooo ready !!! can't wait to see "happy cig stealing " Sussie again ha ha I think we should have a blue kamikaze drinking contest durring our " meeting" !!!
we cant wait to see everyone again, cerveza's and rum and cokes please todd, kamikaze contest sounds good ed, or we could have bj's, lol, should have seen my face when bev turned around to me and asked me if i wanted a blow job , did'nt know they had a drink called that actually tasted quite nice, what night is the meeting ?, thought we were now having a meeting everynight :drunk: :lotsofmichaelfs: