I've got a .PDF file going of all who are going to TTR in April. Includes 1st names, dates, pics etc. If you guys want to get on it, send me a small pic and the dates you'll be there and I'll add you, OK? My e-mail is vetter79@rochester.rr.com We have 21 couples booked so far and counting!
great time to go and many great people to meet, 100 days to go :icon_biggrin: , just got sent home from work, 18 inches of snow last night, hour & 1/2 walk to work, then they send you home, our country is just not geared up for snow, lol, so thinking me & sue r in for a duvet day tomorrow :icon_biggrin:
Cancuncare Newbie We're starting our trip in March but will be here untill April 2nd. We can not wait untill it gets here.
Ok Good, thats around when i was hoping to go if i had to switch to april. I was thinking on getting there maybe the 13th and staying 9 nights. I will definately post on here if i can confirm that... Hows the western part of our state looking ?:beer4:
Hello! Please add us to the roll call. We are second timers (we survived the swine flu last year) and are excited to get back to TTR! Our dates are Apr 24 - May 3. :flagcanada: