My wife Kathy and I will be there April 16 to 26th. This will be our first time back since January 2007. Looking forward to finally meeting alot of the people on this forum.
Re: April Trip we will see you on the 16th, There's a whole lot of us coming in on that day, also slotman arrives that day, fasttrack & Tequila ken we will catch you there , have a look at Temptation chatter forum, we are all chatting on there, cya all next month, cant wait.
First it was 3 months of snow every other day (or more) then a month of frequent cold and freezing rain, now today 50 mph winds to bring to take your breath away! We can't wait either!! We will be there the 17th, so it looks like we will be there just in time for the big gang to have the place "warmed up" for us!!! We look forward to meeting all of you, also. And having a drink or two... if anyone partakes in that sort of thing. Jeff & Salinda
Yes- Iowans here! What a weird winter 72 degrees last week 8 degrees yesterday. What the heck? Very much looking forward to April 14th... and maybe some consistent weather? 80's and sunny would be nice!
And I thought Ohio's almost 40 degree difference sucked. Can't wait for that 70 - 80 degree everyday.
Hi everyone, I will be a first timer to Temptation as of April 2-9, but from what i've read, i think i've found my new home I look forward to meeting as many people as possible and hopefully sharing some stories of my own.
I pm'd Steve to start a sticky for the April 19th booze cruise.Havent heard back from him but Im sure he will get that up soon.So All you crazy people who have allready committed make sure you get signed up and to all the new people popping in who will be there on the 19th hop aboard.I know this group will not let him down. So Steve "If you Sticky it,They will come"
music Who is going to bring their music for the late night belcony parties :lotsofmichaelf: we can host